General Information of the Molecule (ID: Mol01286)
Long non-protein coding RNA 968 (LINC00968) ,Homo sapiens
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Molecule Type
Gene ID
Ensembl ID
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Kingdom: Metazoa
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Primates
Family: Hominidae
Genus: Homo
Species: Homo sapiens
Type(s) of Resistant Mechanism of This Molecule
  EADR: Epigenetic Alteration of DNA, RNA or Protein
Drug Resistance Data Categorized by Drug
Approved Drug(s)
3 drug(s) in total
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Drug Sensitivity Data Categorized by Their Corresponding Mechanisms
       Epigenetic Alteration of DNA, RNA or Protein (EADR) Click to Show/Hide
Disease Class: Breast cancer [1]
Sensitive Disease Breast cancer [ICD-11: 2C60.3]
Sensitive Drug Doxorubicin
Molecule Alteration Expression
Experimental Note Revealed Based on the Cell Line Data
Cell Pathway Regulation Wnt2/Beta-catenin signaling pathway Inhibition hsa04310
In Vitro Model MCF-7 cells Breast Homo sapiens (Human) CVCL_0031
KPL-4 cells Breast Homo sapiens (Human) CVCL_5310
In Vivo Model Nude mouse xenograft model Mus musculus
Experiment for
Molecule Alteration
RT-qPCR,Northern blot
Experiment for
Drug Resistance
CCK8 assay; Colony formation assay
Mechanism Description Long non-coding RNA LINC00968 attenuates drug (Doxorubicin; Vincristine; Taxol) resistance of breast cancer cells through inhibiting the Wnt2/beta-catenin signaling pathway by regulating WNT2.
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Drug Sensitivity Data Categorized by Their Corresponding Mechanisms
       Epigenetic Alteration of DNA, RNA or Protein (EADR) Click to Show/Hide
Disease Class: Breast cancer [1]
Sensitive Disease Breast cancer [ICD-11: 2C60.3]
Sensitive Drug Paclitaxel
Molecule Alteration Expression
Experimental Note Revealed Based on the Cell Line Data
Cell Pathway Regulation Wnt2/Beta-catenin signaling pathway Inhibition hsa04310
In Vitro Model MCF-7 cells Breast Homo sapiens (Human) CVCL_0031
KPL-4 cells Breast Homo sapiens (Human) CVCL_5310
In Vivo Model Nude mouse xenograft model Mus musculus
Experiment for
Molecule Alteration
RT-qPCR,Northern blot
Experiment for
Drug Resistance
CCK8 assay; Colony formation assay
Mechanism Description Long non-coding RNA LINC00968 attenuates drug resistance of breast cancer cells through inhibiting the Wnt2/beta-catenin signaling pathway by regulating WNT2.
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Drug Sensitivity Data Categorized by Their Corresponding Mechanisms
       Epigenetic Alteration of DNA, RNA or Protein (EADR) Click to Show/Hide
Disease Class: Breast cancer [1]
Sensitive Disease Breast cancer [ICD-11: 2C60.3]
Sensitive Drug Vincristine
Molecule Alteration Expression
Experimental Note Revealed Based on the Cell Line Data
Cell Pathway Regulation Wnt2/Beta-catenin signaling pathway Inhibition hsa04310
In Vitro Model MCF-7 cells Breast Homo sapiens (Human) CVCL_0031
KPL-4 cells Breast Homo sapiens (Human) CVCL_5310
In Vivo Model Nude mouse xenograft model Mus musculus
Experiment for
Molecule Alteration
RT-qPCR,Northern blot
Experiment for
Drug Resistance
CCK8 assay; Colony formation assay
Mechanism Description Long non-coding RNA LINC00968 attenuates drug resistance of breast cancer cells through inhibiting the Wnt2/beta-catenin signaling pathway by regulating WNT2.
Ref 1 Long non-coding RNA LINC00968 attenuates drug resistance of breast cancer cells through inhibiting the Wnt2/Beta-catenin signaling pathway by regulating WNT2. J Exp Clin Cancer Res. 2019 Feb 21;38(1):94. doi: 10.1186/s13046-019-1100-8.
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