Drug-Disease-Molecule based Resistance data Downloads
1. The pair information of drug-disease (Besides HIV)-molecular based resistance.    Click to Save
2. The resistance mechanism of drug-disease-molecule based resistance.    Click to Save
3. The molecule regulation and biological regulation information of drug-disease-molecule based resistance.    Click to Save
4. The resistance level of drug-disease-molecule based resistance.    Click to Save
5. The experiment cell line model information of drug-disease-molecule based resistance.    Click to Save
6. The interactome of drug-disease-molecule based resistance.    Click to Save
7. The resistance description of drug-disease-molecule based resistance.    Click to Save
8. The general information of experiment cell line in drug resistance data.    Click to Save
9. The references information of drug-disease-molecule based resistance.    Click to Save
10. The drug resistance information of verifying in the In-Vitro screen using cancer cell lines.    Click to Save
11. The pair information of HIV-drug-molecular based resistance.    Click to Save
Drug Associated with Resistance data Downloads
1. The general information of drugs associated with resistance.    Click to Save
2. The target information of drugs associated with resistance.    Click to Save
3. The clinical status and ICD encoded disease information of drugs associated with resistance.    Click to Save
Disease Related with Resistance data Downloads
1. The general information of disease related with resistance.    Click to Save
2. The detail name of disease class related with resistance.    Click to Save
3. The mechanism information lead to drug resistanc in the disease.    Click to Save
4. The panorama of resistant drugs for particular disease.    Click to Save
Molecule Associated with Resistance data Downloads
1. The general information of molecule associated with resistance.    Click to Save
2. The resistance mechanism induced by molecule associated with resistance.    Click to Save
3. The expression of molecule in the disease related with resistance.    Click to Save
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