General Information of the Molecule (ID: Mol01279)
HOXA distal transcript antisense RNA (HOTTIP) ,Homo sapiens
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Molecule Type
Gene Name
LINC00902, LOC285194, LSAMP-AS3, NCRNA00295
Gene ID
Ensembl ID
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Kingdom: Metazoa
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Primates
Family: Hominidae
Genus: Homo
Species: Homo sapiens
Type(s) of Resistant Mechanism of This Molecule
  EADR: Epigenetic Alteration of DNA, RNA or Protein
  RTDM: Regulation by the Disease Microenvironment
Drug Resistance Data Categorized by Drug
Approved Drug(s)
5 drug(s) in total
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Drug Resistance Data Categorized by Their Corresponding Mechanisms
       Regulation by the Disease Microenvironment (RTDM) Click to Show/Hide
Disease Class: Lung small cell carcinoma [1]
Resistant Disease Lung small cell carcinoma [ICD-11: 2C25.2]
Resistant Drug Cisplatin
Molecule Alteration Expression
Experimental Note Identified from the Human Clinical Data
Cell Pathway Regulation Cell apoptosis Activation hsa04210
Cell proliferation Inhibition hsa05200
In Vitro Model 16HBE cells Lung Homo sapiens (Human) CVCL_0112
H446 cells Lung Homo sapiens (Human) CVCL_1562
H69 cells Lung Homo sapiens (Human) CVCL_8121
H69AR cells Lung Homo sapiens (Human) CVCL_3513
In Vivo Model Nude mouse xenograft model Mus musculus
Experiment for
Molecule Alteration
Experiment for
Drug Resistance
CCK8 assay
Mechanism Description HOTTIP acts as sponge of miR216a and enhanced the expression of its another target gene, anti-apoptotic gene BCL-2.
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Drug Resistance Data Categorized by Their Corresponding Mechanisms
       Regulation by the Disease Microenvironment (RTDM) Click to Show/Hide
Disease Class: Lung small cell carcinoma [1]
Resistant Disease Lung small cell carcinoma [ICD-11: 2C25.2]
Resistant Drug Doxorubicin
Molecule Alteration Expression
Experimental Note Identified from the Human Clinical Data
Cell Pathway Regulation Cell apoptosis Activation hsa04210
Cell proliferation Inhibition hsa05200
In Vitro Model 16HBE cells Lung Homo sapiens (Human) CVCL_0112
H446 cells Lung Homo sapiens (Human) CVCL_1562
H69 cells Lung Homo sapiens (Human) CVCL_8121
H69AR cells Lung Homo sapiens (Human) CVCL_3513
In Vivo Model Nude mouse xenograft model Mus musculus
Experiment for
Molecule Alteration
Experiment for
Drug Resistance
CCK8 assay
Mechanism Description HOTTIP acts as sponge of miR216a and enhanced the expression of its another target gene, anti-apoptotic gene BCL-2.
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Drug Resistance Data Categorized by Their Corresponding Mechanisms
       Regulation by the Disease Microenvironment (RTDM) Click to Show/Hide
Disease Class: Lung small cell carcinoma [1]
Resistant Disease Lung small cell carcinoma [ICD-11: 2C25.2]
Resistant Drug Etoposide
Molecule Alteration Expression
Experimental Note Identified from the Human Clinical Data
Cell Pathway Regulation Cell apoptosis Activation hsa04210
Cell proliferation Inhibition hsa05200
In Vitro Model 16HBE cells Lung Homo sapiens (Human) CVCL_0112
H446 cells Lung Homo sapiens (Human) CVCL_1562
H69 cells Lung Homo sapiens (Human) CVCL_8121
H69AR cells Lung Homo sapiens (Human) CVCL_3513
In Vivo Model Nude mouse xenograft model Mus musculus
Experiment for
Molecule Alteration
Experiment for
Drug Resistance
CCK8 assay
Mechanism Description HOTTIP acts as sponge of miR216a and enhanced the expression of its another target gene, anti-apoptotic gene BCL-2.
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Drug Resistance Data Categorized by Their Corresponding Mechanisms
       Epigenetic Alteration of DNA, RNA or Protein (EADR) Click to Show/Hide
Disease Class: Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma [2]
Resistant Disease Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma [ICD-11: 2C10.0]
Resistant Drug Gemcitabine
Molecule Alteration Expression
Experimental Note Revealed Based on the Cell Line Data
Cell Pathway Regulation Cell invasion Activation hsa05200
Cell migration Activation hsa04670
Cell proliferation Activation hsa05200
HOTTIP/HOXA13 signaling pathway Activation hsa05202
In Vitro Model BxPC-3 cells Pancreas Homo sapiens (Human) CVCL_0186
MIA PaCa-2 cells Pancreas Homo sapiens (Human) CVCL_0428
PANC-1 cells Pancreas Homo sapiens (Human) CVCL_0480
Capan-2 cells Pancreas Homo sapiens (Human) CVCL_0026
SW1990 cells Pancreas Homo sapiens (Human) CVCL_1723
Experiment for
Molecule Alteration
Experiment for
Drug Resistance
CCK8 assay
Mechanism Description The long non-coding RNA HOTTIP promotes progression and gemcitabine resistance by regulating HOXA13 in pancreatic cancer.Microarray analyses revealed that HOTTIP was one of the most significantly upregulated LncRNAs in PDAC tissues compared with pancreatic tissues.Furthermore, knockdown of HOXA13 by RNA interference (siHOXA13) revealed that HOTTIP promoted PDAC cell proliferation, invasion, and chemoresistance, at least partly through regulating HOXA13. As a crucial tumor promoter, HOTTIP promotes cell proliferation, invasion, and chemoresistance by modulating HOXA13. Therefore, the HOTTIP/HOXA13 axis is a potential therapeutic target and molecular biomarker for PDAC.
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Drug Resistance Data Categorized by Their Corresponding Mechanisms
       Epigenetic Alteration of DNA, RNA or Protein (EADR) Click to Show/Hide
Disease Class: Lung adenocarcinoma [3]
Resistant Disease Lung adenocarcinoma [ICD-11: 2C25.0]
Resistant Drug Paclitaxel
Molecule Alteration Expression
Experimental Note Revealed Based on the Cell Line Data
Cell Pathway Regulation AKT signaling pathway Activation hsa04151
Cell proliferation Activation hsa05200
In Vitro Model 16HBE cells Lung Homo sapiens (Human) CVCL_0112
Experiment for
Molecule Alteration
Experiment for
Drug Resistance
CCK8 assay
Mechanism Description Overexpression of HOTTIP promotes proliferation and drug resistance of lung adenocarcinoma by regulating AkT signaling pathway.
Disease- and Tissue-specific Abundances of This Molecule
ICD Disease Classification 02
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Pancreatic cancer [ICD-11: 2C10]
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Differential expression of molecule in resistant diseases
The Studied Tissue Pancreas
The Specified Disease Pancreatic adenocarcinoma
The Expression Level of Disease Section Compare with the Healthy Individual Tissue p-value: 3.25E-05; Fold-change: -1.39E+00
Molecule expression in the diseased tissue of patients
Molecule expression in the normal tissue of healthy individuals
Disease-specific Molecule Abundances Click to View the Clearer Original Diagram
Lung cancer [ICD-11: 2C25]
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Differential expression of molecule in resistant diseases
The Studied Tissue Lung
The Specified Disease Lung adenocarcinoma
The Expression Level of Disease Section Compare with the Healthy Individual Tissue p-value: 1.36E-02; Fold-change: -7.78E-01
Molecule expression in the diseased tissue of patients
Molecule expression in the normal tissue of healthy individuals
Disease-specific Molecule Abundances Click to View the Clearer Original Diagram
The Studied Tissue Lung
The Specified Disease Lung squamous cell carcinoma
The Expression Level of Disease Section Compare with the Healthy Individual Tissue p-value: 8.27E-04; Fold-change: -8.78E-01
Molecule expression in the diseased tissue of patients
Molecule expression in the normal tissue of healthy individuals
Disease-specific Molecule Abundances Click to View the Clearer Original Diagram
Tissue-specific Molecule Abundances in Healthy Individuals
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Ref 1 Long non-coding RNA HOTTIP promotes BCL-2 expression and induces chemoresistance in small cell lung cancer by sponging miR-216a. Cell Death Dis. 2018 Jan 24;9(2):85. doi: 10.1038/s41419-017-0113-5.
Ref 2 The long non-coding RNA HOTTIP promotes progression and gemcitabine resistance by regulating HOXA13 in pancreatic cancer. J Transl Med. 2015 Mar 12;13:84. doi: 10.1186/s12967-015-0442-z.
Ref 3 Overexpression of HOTTIP promotes proliferation and drug resistance of lung adenocarcinoma by regulating AKT signaling pathway. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci. 2017 Dec;21(24):5683-5690. doi: 10.26355/eurrev_201712_14013.
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