General Information of the Molecule (ID: Mol01711)
hsa-miR-193a-5p ,Homo sapiens
microRNA 193a
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Molecule Type
Mature miRNA
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Ensembl ID
Mature Accession
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Kingdom: Metazoa
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Primates
Family: Hominidae
Genus: Homo
Species: Homo sapiens
Type(s) of Resistant Mechanism of This Molecule
  EADR: Epigenetic Alteration of DNA, RNA or Protein
Drug Resistance Data Categorized by Drug
Approved Drug(s)
2 drug(s) in total
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Drug Sensitivity Data Categorized by Their Corresponding Mechanisms
       Epigenetic Alteration of DNA, RNA or Protein (EADR) Click to Show/Hide
Disease Class: Prostate cancer [1]
Sensitive Disease Prostate cancer [ICD-11: 2C82.0]
Sensitive Drug Docetaxel
Molecule Alteration Expression
Experimental Note Identified from the Human Clinical Data
Cell Pathway Regulation miR193a-5p/Bach2/HO1 signaling pathway Inhibition hsa05206
In Vitro Model DU-145 cells Prostate Homo sapiens (Human) CVCL_0105
LNCaP cells Prostate Homo sapiens (Human) CVCL_0395
PC3 cells Prostate Homo sapiens (Human) CVCL_0035
T24 cells Bladder Homo sapiens (Human) CVCL_0554
RWPE-1 cells Prostate Homo sapiens (Human) CVCL_3791
UM-UC-3 cells Bladder Homo sapiens (Human) CVCL_1783
In Vivo Model Nude mouse xenograft model Mus musculus
Experiment for
Molecule Alteration
Experiment for
Drug Resistance
TUNEL assays
Mechanism Description Silencing of miR193a-5p or blockade of the miR193a-5p-Bach2-HO-1 pathway enhances sensitization of PC3 cells to docetaxel-induced apoptosis. Docetaxel-induced miR193a-5p upregulation, which in turn inhibits Bach2 expression and thus relieves Bach2 repression of HO-1 expression, partly counteracted docetaxel-induced apoptosis.
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Drug Sensitivity Data Categorized by Their Corresponding Mechanisms
       Epigenetic Alteration of DNA, RNA or Protein (EADR) Click to Show/Hide
Disease Class: Glioma [2]
Sensitive Disease Glioma [ICD-11: 2A00.1]
Sensitive Drug Temozolomide
Molecule Alteration Expression
Experimental Note Identified from the Human Clinical Data
In Vitro Model U87 cells Brain Homo sapiens (Human) CVCL_0022
U257 cells Brain Homo sapiens (Human) N.A.
Experiment for
Molecule Alteration
Experiment for
Drug Resistance
Flow cytometry assay; MTT assay; Transwell assay
Mechanism Description Upregulation of CASC2 sensitized glioma to temozolomide cytotoxicity through autophagy inhibition by sponging miR193a-5p and regulating mTOR expression. mTOR or CASC2 overexpression or miR193a-5p inhibition remarkably reduced autophagy-related proteins expression.
Ref 1 Silencing of miR-193a-5p increases the chemosensitivity of prostate cancer cells to docetaxel. J Exp Clin Cancer Res. 2017 Dec 8;36(1):178. doi: 10.1186/s13046-017-0649-3.
Ref 2 Upregulation of CASC2 sensitized glioma to temozolomide cytotoxicity through autophagy inhibition by sponging miR-193a-5p and regulating mTOR expression. Biomed Pharmacother. 2018 Jan;97:844-850. doi: 10.1016/j.biopha.2017.10.146. Epub 2017 Nov 7.
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