General Information of the Disease (ID: DIS00226)
Multiple endocrine neoplasia
ICD-11: 2F7A
Resistance Map
Type(s) of Resistant Mechanism of This Disease
  ADTT: Aberration of the Drug's Therapeutic Target
  UAPP: Unusual Activation of Pro-survival Pathway
Drug Resistance Data Categorized by Drug
Approved Drug(s)
4 drug(s) in total
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Drug Resistance Data Categorized by Their Corresponding Mechanisms
       Unusual Activation of Pro-survival Pathway (UAPP) Click to Show/Hide
Key Molecule: Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret (RET) [1]
Resistant Disease Multiple endocrine neoplasia [ICD-11: 2F7A.0]
Molecule Alteration Missense mutation
Resistant Drug Cabozantinib
Experimental Note Identified from the Human Clinical Data
In Vitro Model BaF3 cells Bone Mus musculus (Mouse) CVCL_0161
Experiment for
Molecule Alteration
Experiment for
Drug Resistance
LC50 assay
Mechanism Description M918T is a RET mutation prevalent in aggressive multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2B. M918T mutation is located at distant sites away from the TKI binding pocket. IC50s of cabozantinib, lenvatinib, vandetanib and nintedanib in BaF3/KR (M918T) cells were 6.5-fold, 7.5-fold, 4.3-fold and 1.7-fold, respectively, higher than in BaF3/KR cells.
Key Molecule: Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret (RET) [1]
Resistant Disease Multiple endocrine neoplasia [ICD-11: 2F7A.0]
Molecule Alteration Missense mutation
Resistant Drug Cabozantinib
Experimental Note Identified from the Human Clinical Data
In Vitro Model BaF3 cells Bone Mus musculus (Mouse) CVCL_0161
Experiment for
Molecule Alteration
Experiment for
Drug Resistance
LC50 assay
Mechanism Description M918T is a RET mutation prevalent in aggressive multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2B. M918T mutation is located at distant sites away from the TKI binding pocket. IC50s of cabozantinib, lenvatinib, vandetanib and nintedanib in BaF3/KR (M918T) cells were 6.5-fold, 7.5-fold, 4.3-fold and 1.7-fold, respectively, higher than in BaF3/KR cells.
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Drug Resistance Data Categorized by Their Corresponding Mechanisms
       Unusual Activation of Pro-survival Pathway (UAPP) Click to Show/Hide
Key Molecule: Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret (RET) [1]
Resistant Disease Multiple endocrine neoplasia [ICD-11: 2F7A.0]
Molecule Alteration Missense mutation
Resistant Drug Intedanib
Experimental Note Identified from the Human Clinical Data
In Vitro Model BaF3 cells Bone Mus musculus (Mouse) CVCL_0161
Experiment for
Molecule Alteration
Experiment for
Drug Resistance
LC50 assay
Mechanism Description M918T is a RET mutation prevalent in aggressive multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2B. M918T mutation is located at distant sites away from the TKI binding pocket. IC50s of cabozantinib, lenvatinib, vandetanib and nintedanib in BaF3/KR (M918T) cells were 6.5-fold, 7.5-fold, 4.3-fold and 1.7-fold, respectively, higher than in BaF3/KR cells.
Key Molecule: Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret (RET) [1]
Resistant Disease Multiple endocrine neoplasia [ICD-11: 2F7A.0]
Molecule Alteration Missense mutation
Resistant Drug Intedanib
Experimental Note Identified from the Human Clinical Data
In Vitro Model BaF3 cells Bone Mus musculus (Mouse) CVCL_0161
Experiment for
Molecule Alteration
Experiment for
Drug Resistance
LC50 assay
Mechanism Description M918T is a RET mutation prevalent in aggressive multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2B. M918T mutation is located at distant sites away from the TKI binding pocket. IC50s of cabozantinib, lenvatinib, vandetanib and nintedanib in BaF3/KR (M918T) cells were 6.5-fold, 7.5-fold, 4.3-fold and 1.7-fold, respectively, higher than in BaF3/KR cells.
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Drug Resistance Data Categorized by Their Corresponding Mechanisms
       Aberration of the Drug's Therapeutic Target (ADTT) Click to Show/Hide
Key Molecule: Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret (RET) [1]
Resistant Disease Multiple endocrine neoplasia [ICD-11: 2F7A.0]
Molecule Alteration Missense mutation
Resistant Drug Lenvatinib
Experimental Note Identified from the Human Clinical Data
In Vitro Model BaF3 cells Bone Mus musculus (Mouse) CVCL_0161
Experiment for
Molecule Alteration
Experiment for
Drug Resistance
LC50 assay
Mechanism Description M918T is a RET mutation prevalent in aggressive multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2B. M918T mutation is located at distant sites away from the TKI binding pocket. IC50s of cabozantinib, lenvatinib, vandetanib and nintedanib in BaF3/KR (M918T) cells were 6.5-fold, 7.5-fold, 4.3-fold and 1.7-fold, respectively, higher than in BaF3/KR cells.
Key Molecule: Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret (RET) [1]
Resistant Disease Multiple endocrine neoplasia [ICD-11: 2F7A.0]
Molecule Alteration Missense mutation
Resistant Drug Lenvatinib
Experimental Note Identified from the Human Clinical Data
In Vitro Model BaF3 cells Bone Mus musculus (Mouse) CVCL_0161
Experiment for
Molecule Alteration
Experiment for
Drug Resistance
LC50 assay
Mechanism Description M918T is a RET mutation prevalent in aggressive multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2B. M918T mutation is located at distant sites away from the TKI binding pocket. IC50s of cabozantinib, lenvatinib, vandetanib and nintedanib in BaF3/KR (M918T) cells were 6.5-fold, 7.5-fold, 4.3-fold and 1.7-fold, respectively, higher than in BaF3/KR cells.
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Drug Resistance Data Categorized by Their Corresponding Mechanisms
       Aberration of the Drug's Therapeutic Target (ADTT) Click to Show/Hide
Key Molecule: Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret (RET) [1]
Resistant Disease Multiple endocrine neoplasia [ICD-11: 2F7A.0]
Molecule Alteration Missense mutation
Resistant Drug Vandetanib
Experimental Note Identified from the Human Clinical Data
In Vitro Model BaF3 cells Bone Mus musculus (Mouse) CVCL_0161
Experiment for
Molecule Alteration
Experiment for
Drug Resistance
LC50 assay
Mechanism Description M918T is a RET mutation prevalent in aggressive multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2B. M918T mutation is located at distant sites away from the TKI binding pocket. IC50s of cabozantinib, lenvatinib, vandetanib and nintedanib in BaF3/KR (M918T) cells were 6.5-fold, 7.5-fold, 4.3-fold and 1.7-fold, respectively, higher than in BaF3/KR cells.
Key Molecule: Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret (RET) [1]
Resistant Disease Multiple endocrine neoplasia [ICD-11: 2F7A.0]
Molecule Alteration Missense mutation
Resistant Drug Vandetanib
Experimental Note Identified from the Human Clinical Data
In Vitro Model BaF3 cells Bone Mus musculus (Mouse) CVCL_0161
Experiment for
Molecule Alteration
Experiment for
Drug Resistance
LC50 assay
Mechanism Description M918T is a RET mutation prevalent in aggressive multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2B. M918T mutation is located at distant sites away from the TKI binding pocket. IC50s of cabozantinib, lenvatinib, vandetanib and nintedanib in BaF3/KR (M918T) cells were 6.5-fold, 7.5-fold, 4.3-fold and 1.7-fold, respectively, higher than in BaF3/KR cells.
Ref 1 Drug resistance profiles of mutations in the RET kinase domain .Br J Pharmacol. 2018 Sep;175(17):3504-3515. doi: 10.1111/bph.14395. Epub 2018 Jul 19. 10.1111/bph.14395
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