Molecule Information
General Information of the Molecule (ID: Mol01325)
Name |
E2F1-regulated inhibitor of cell death (ERICD)
,Homo sapiens
Synonyms |
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Molecule Type |
Gene Name |
Gene ID | |||||
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Ensembl ID | |||||
HGNC ID | |||||
Click to Show/Hide the Complete Species Lineage | |||||
Type(s) of Resistant Mechanism of This Molecule
Drug Resistance Data Categorized by Drug
Approved Drug(s)
1 drug(s) in total
Drug Sensitivity Data Categorized by Their Corresponding Mechanisms | ||||
Disease Class: Osteosarcoma | [1] | |||
Sensitive Disease | Osteosarcoma [ICD-11: 2B51.0] | |||
Sensitive Drug | Etoposide | |||
Molecule Alteration | Expression | Down-regulation |
Experimental Note | Revealed Based on the Cell Line Data | |||
In Vitro Model | SAOS-2 cells | Bone marrow | Homo sapiens (Human) | CVCL_0548 |
U2OS cells | Bone | Homo sapiens (Human) | CVCL_0042 | |
Experiment for Molecule Alteration |
RT-PCR | |||
Experiment for Drug Resistance |
Fluorescence-activated cell sorting analysis | |||
Mechanism Description | The long non-coding RNA ERIC is regulated by E2F and modulates the cellular response to DNA damage, ERIC levels were increased following DNA damage by the chemotherapeutic drug Etoposide, and inhibition of ERIC expression enhanced Etoposide -induced apoptosis. |
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