General Information of the Molecule (ID: Mol00911)
DNA gyrase subunit A (GYRA) ,Ureaplasma parvum
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A type II topoisomerase that negatively supercoils closed circular double-stranded (ds) DNA in an ATP-dependent manner to modulate DNA topology and maintain chromosomes in an underwound state. Negative supercoiling favors strand separation, and DNA replication, transcription, recombination and repair, all of which involve strand separation. Also able to catalyze the interconversion of other topological isomers of dsDNA rings, including catenanes and knotted rings. Type II topoisomerases break and join 2 DNA strands simultaneously in an ATP-dependent manner.
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Uniprot ID
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Kingdom: N.A.
Phylum: Tenericutes
Class: Mollicutes
Order: Mycoplasmatales
Family: Mycoplasmataceae
Genus: Ureaplasma
Species: Ureaplasma parvum
Type(s) of Resistant Mechanism of This Molecule
  ADTT: Aberration of the Drug's Therapeutic Target
Drug Resistance Data Categorized by Drug
Approved Drug(s)
1 drug(s) in total
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Ciprofloxacin XR
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Drug Resistance Data Categorized by Their Corresponding Mechanisms
       Aberration of the Drug's Therapeutic Target (ADTT) Click to Show/Hide
Disease Class: Ureaplasma parvum infection [1], [2]
Resistant Disease Ureaplasma parvum infection [ICD-11: 1A81.1]
Resistant Drug Ciprofloxacin XR
Molecule Alteration Missense mutation
Experimental Note Identified from the Human Clinical Data
In Vitro Model Escherichia coli k-12 JM109 83333
Ureaplasma parvum serovar 3 isolates 38504
Ureaplasma parvum serovar 6 isolates 95660
Ureaplasma urealyticum isolates 2130
Experiment for
Molecule Alteration
Whole genome sequence assay
Experiment for
Drug Resistance
Broth microdilution method assay
Mechanism Description Quinolones are used for treating urogenital infections and interact in bacteria with the type II topoisomerases DNA gyrase and topoisomerase IV, both of which are composed of two A and two B subunits; these subunits are encoded by the gyrA and gyrB genes for DNA gyrase and parC and parE genes for topoisomerase IV.Out of 28 clinical Ureaplasma strains, we isolated 9 with high MICs of quinolones and found a single parC gene mutation, resulting in the change S83L.
Disease Class: Ureaplasma urealyticum infection [1], [2]
Resistant Disease Ureaplasma urealyticum infection [ICD-11: 1A81.2]
Resistant Drug Ciprofloxacin XR
Molecule Alteration Missense mutation
Experimental Note Identified from the Human Clinical Data
In Vitro Model Escherichia coli k-12 JM109 83333
Ureaplasma parvum serovar 3 isolates 38504
Ureaplasma parvum serovar 6 isolates 95660
Ureaplasma urealyticum isolates 2130
Experiment for
Molecule Alteration
Whole genome sequence assay
Experiment for
Drug Resistance
Broth microdilution method assay
Mechanism Description Quinolones are used for treating urogenital infections and interact in bacteria with the type II topoisomerases DNA gyrase and topoisomerase IV, both of which are composed of two A and two B subunits; these subunits are encoded by the gyrA and gyrB genes for DNA gyrase and parC and parE genes for topoisomerase IV.Out of 28 clinical Ureaplasma strains, we isolated 9 with high MICs of quinolones and found a single parC gene mutation, resulting in the change S83L.
Ref 1 In vitro activity of five quinolones and analysis of the quinolone resistance-determining regions of gyrA, gyrB, parC, and parE in Ureaplasma parvum and Ureaplasma urealyticum clinical isolates from perinatal patients in Japan. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2015 Apr;59(4):2358-64. doi: 10.1128/AAC.04262-14. Epub 2015 Feb 2.
Ref 2 Analysis of mutations in DNA gyrase and topoisomerase IV of Ureaplasma urealyticum and Ureaplasma parvum serovars resistant to fluoroquinolones. Infect Genet Evol. 2017 Jan;47:64-67. doi: 10.1016/j.meegid.2016.11.019. Epub 2016 Nov 21.
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