Drug Information
Drug (ID: DG01694) and It's Reported Resistant Information
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Target | . | NOUNIPROTAC | [1] |
Type(s) of Resistant Mechanism of This Drug
Drug Resistance Data Categorized by Their Corresponding Diseases
ICD-02: Benign/in-situ/malignant neoplasm
Drug Sensitivity Data Categorized by Their Corresponding Mechanisms | ||||
Key Molecule: PI3-kinase alpha (PIK3CA) | [1] | |||
Molecule Alteration | Missense mutation | p.E545K (c.1633G>A) |
Sensitive Disease | Bladder cancer [ICD-11: 2C94.0] | |||
Experimental Note | Identified from the Human Clinical Data | |||
Cell Pathway Regulation | MEK/ERK signaling pathway | Inhibition | hsa04011 | |
In Vitro Model | 5637 cells | Bladder | Homo sapiens (Human) | CVCL_0126 |
J82 cells | Bladder | Homo sapiens (Human) | CVCL_0359 | |
RT4 cells | Bladder | Homo sapiens (Human) | CVCL_0036 | |
T24 cells | Bladder | Homo sapiens (Human) | CVCL_0554 | |
TCCSuP cells | Bladder | Homo sapiens (Human) | CVCL_1738 | |
In Vivo Model | NSG mouse PDX model | Mus musculus | ||
Experiment for Drug Resistance |
MTS assay; FACS assay | |||
Mechanism Description | Pictilisib activated the compensatory MEK/ERK pathways that likely contributed to pictilisib resistance, which was reversed by co-treatment with the RAF inhibitor sorafenib. RNA-sequencing of tumors resistant to treatment suggested that LSP1 down-regulation correlated with drug resistance. |
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