HIV Detail Information
MK-1439 (ID: DG01286) Resistance Data of HIV
Drug Resistance Data Categorized by Their Corresponding Mechanisms | ||||||||||||||
Key Molecule: HIV1 Reverse transcriptase (HIV1 RT) | ||||||||||||||
Resistant Disease | Human immunodeficiency virus infection [ICD-11: 1C62.0] | |||||||||||||
Molecule Alteration |
Resistant Drug | MK-1439 | |||||||||||||
Experimental Note | Identified from the Human Clinical Data | |||||||||||||
In Vitro Model | AIP KO MEF cells | Skin | Mus musculus (Mouse) | CVCL_UJ02 | ||||||||||
MT4 cells | Umbilical cord blood | Homo sapiens (Human) | CVCL_2632 | |||||||||||
Experiment for Molecule Alteration |
PCR | |||||||||||||
Mechanism Description | The cyanochlorophenol moiety forms pai-pai stacking with Y188, and the Y188L substitution eliminates the pai-pai interactions and creates a clash with DOR; thus, the Y188L substitution confers significant resistance to DOR, suggesting that the pai-pai interactions between the residues are crucial for the binding of DOR to RT. | |||||||||||||
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