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Search for Drug Resistance Information for Particular Drug (DRUGRE)

Search for DRUGRE Entries by Disease Class:
Tips: Please select the disease class first, then a list of drugs under the selected class will be available for selection.
Search for DRUGRE Entries by Resistance Mechanism:
Tips: Please select the resistance mechanism first, then a list of drugs under the selected mechanism will be available for selection.
Search for DISERE Entries by Disease Class:
Tips: Please select the disease class first, then a list of diseases under the selected class will be available for selection.
Search for DISERE Entries by Resistance Mechanism:
Tips: Please select the resistance mechanism first, then a list of diseases under that mechanism will be available for selection.
Search for MOLERE Entries by Molecule Name:
Tips: Please select the molecular type first, then a list of molecules under the selected type will be available for selection.
Search for MOLERE Entries by Resistance Mechanism:
Tips: Please select the resistance mechanism first, then a list of molecules under that mechanism will be available for selection.
Search for MOLERE Entries by Disease Name:
Tips: Please select the disease class first, then a list of molecules under the selected class will be available for selection.


visits since 2022

If you find any error in data or bug in web service, please kindly report it to Dr. Sun and Dr. Zhang.